What’s the Difference

By | April 1, 2016

I found a printout of the article you wrote about the “Bible Version Comparison” laying around the office. I read the whole thing and one question comes to mind. I don’t know who the translator/authors of the NIV were, but isn’t it entirely possible that they translated the original Hebrew version (or what’s left of it) and got something different out of it than the translator/authors of the KJV? And how could one be more correct than the other, after all it’s just interpretations of a story that was written a very very long time ago. It seems like to me the only real way to know what the bible says is to learn Hebrew and translate it yourself. I mean, if you have dedicated your life to the Lord’s work and all, would that be the best way to know what that work is? I’m not a Christian, although I do share some Christian beliefs, and I’ve never read the bible, but it seems to me if I was going to read it, I would want to know what it actually said–not what it’s been edited down to over the past several thousand years.



It was good to hear that folks are visiting Ask the Preacher, and I really appreciate your comments on the article. Let’s see if I can answer some of your questions. First to understand what the importance of seeing those changes you mentioned, we first have to understand what happened that caused the King James version to be created in the first place.

There are two manuscripts; the actual original called the Received Text, and the Alexandrian text.

The Received Text is simply the Greek New Testament. The various individual letters of the Apostles, etc., were all compiled at the end of the 1st century and preserved by the bishops (pastors), deacons, and laymen of these churches over the ages. These churches were in Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea, Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, & Thyatira. You’ll find these churches referenced in Revelation, chapters 2 & 3. The most complete collection, which contained all of the Gospels and epistles was found in Antioch. This is where the Received Text was taken from.

The Alexandrian Text are the manuscripts taken from Antioch in the 3rd century, and translated into the classic Greek by the pagan scholars in Alexandria Egypt. The main scholar was a man called Origen. Origen had some weird ideas about the uneducated man. He believed that the Apostles were just too ignorant to have properly related God’s will in their writings. In other words, did God actually mean to say this or that.

There were several attempts to translate the received text into English but each attempt failed because the Alexandrian text kept making its way into the translations mysteriously. Imagine that! Who would have anything to gain by tainting one manuscript with another?

Then King James, who had enough of Rome’s interference, commissioned the translating of the KJV which is the topic of this particular discussion we’re having. Sure a couple of the Vatican’s agents found their way into the midst of the Puritan translators, but they were soon found out and expelled. When the King James Bible came into print, it was the first and only time that the English speaking people had the pure Received Text in book form. And what a marvel in harmony it really is, because it’s a “True” translation.

So what’s the big deal about the new translations you ask? They’re attempts again to cloud the Received Text and to actually remove the meaning, or cast doubt on Gods Word. That’s what the big deal is. To date I have not seen any translation besides the KJV that isn’t tainted with the Alexandrian Text, or had meanings completely changed from their original intent.

The way to tell if you’re reading a counterfeit is to turn to 1 Corinthians 1:18. If the verse says you “are saved”, in other words, it’s a done deal, you’re reading a translation from the original Received Text. If it says that your salvation is a process, or “being saved”, your reading a Alexandrian counterfeit.

  • (KJV)1st Corinthians 1:18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
  • (NIV) 1st Corinthians 1:18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

If you will, please read the “Bible Version Comparisons” again and you’ll see what damage has already been done to peoples confidence in the inspired Word of God.

Acts 16:31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. I invite you to become a Christian. Call on the name of the Lord and BE Saved! He won’t turn you away.

One thought on “What’s the Difference

  1. Librarylady

    This is a very interesting article, I’m glad I stumbled onto your website. I like the ideas shared here, but feel we have another way of knowing whether something we’re reading or learning about is true, and it’s so simple that many forget about it. Prayer. If we’re not sure about the value of a text or teaching, read with a prayerful heart. As children of God we all have access to the spirit of truth, or a still small voice that can guide us. If we listen to the whisperings of the spirit we can be guided as to the truth of things, or be advised on problems or difficulties we may be experiencing in our lives.


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