
November 16, 2008

A Reference to the Ancient Baptist Church

From Chapter One

"Most authors start from the beginning. I prefer to start for the present because it would be best to paint a mental picture in your mind first of what we are facing today and in what I believe will be in the near future. And if you haven't already guessed, this book is written solely to the Baptist people as a whole. Why to the Baptist people? Quite frankly folks, we have forgotten who we are. In forgetting who we are we can easily forget exactly what we stand for or believe for that matter."


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"Number one on the list of endangered species of teachings is eternal security. Why endangered you ask? Well for starters, our brethren have embraced a new generation of bible versions which are tainted by corrupted Alexandrian texts. When I wrote an ebook called Bible Version Comparisons, the main thing that came to light when comparing these versions to the King James and the received texts was the vast differences between these and the manuscripts used to create these new versions. I have included a copy of Bible Version Comparisons in this ebook for your reference."

© Tim Davis 2008

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